The best way to say ‘Thank you Teacher’

As the academic year fast draws to a close, it’s time to say Thank you Teacher! Some pupils will be returning next term, some will be moving on to Big School, and others just want to let Miss or Sir know how much they are appreciated. So let us help with some lovely cards that strike just the right note….
Which Teacher will you be sending a Thank You to?
Yes, we know some teachers are better than others and we all have a favourite from our school days who made lessons fun and memorable and left a life-long impression upon us….mine was Mrs Fox an amazing Teacher who encouraged me to be creative in whatever I was doing, this was in Infants school, which goes to show that having an inspirational Teacher early on in life will see you well on life’s journey. The path I chose was art and design which led me to become an award winning children’s greetings card publisher. I guess I could have sent Mrs Fox my Freddie Fox Card to say a big THANK YOU!
And the Best Teacher Award Goes to…
We have a great Best Teacher card featuring our owl clutching a pencil and of course the
traditional Apple for the Teacher message is conveyed beautifully in our shiny red Alice Apple card.
However if your favourite teacher is a PE or games teacher we have a whole range of Sports Stars cards that could fit the bill if they inspired a love of sport in you.
Teacher Gift’s…
If you’re one for sending Teacher gifts, then why not send them one of our lovely Animal Alphabet Prints which they could put up in their classroom, it will be of benefit to those beginning their school journey next year…And besides there’s only so much wine and chocolate they can eat during the summer holidays!
Graduation Card needed…We have you covered!
And if someone you know has just graduated, then I bet they’d love to receive one of our Clever Sausage cards congratulating them on their academic success…..It’s a real sense of achievement when studies are complete and some big cheese hands you that degree scroll. No wonder mortar boards are hurled into the air with such vigour and enthusiasm on these occasions!
Our cute dachshund proudly sporting his own mortar board is sure to raise a smile. Favourite fact coming up….This long-bodied, short-legged canine with its German name was bred to scent, chase and flush out badgers. Brave little doggie! His name translates as Badger Hound, and a badger is a strong fearsome beast with big powerful claws…(But fear not, our Brock badger card is much cuter). Isn’t education a wonderful thing!

Also for those Bachelors of Arts, of Science, of this, that and two more (degrees seem to cover every subject these days including wine making, hand embroidery and surf science!) then our graduation card featuring our wise owl Olivia, clutching her degree scroll in her beak would make a super congratulatory greeting for any recent graduate.
Good luck card!
Whether shipping them off to University, an apprenticeship or their first proper job your words will stick with them and give them the confidence to thrive, so wish them luck in whatever comes next…